Our Mission at Military Veterans Outdoors

The mission at Military Veterans Outdoors (MVO) is to honor, empower and provide a private recreational getaway for current military and veterans.   


  1.  Military Veterans Outdoors is a confirmed U.S. Non Profit 501(c)3 (EIN/Tax ID #47-4314270) so all donations are tax deductible.
  2.   MVO is staffed by veterans and civilian patriots who give selflessly of their time to ensure the well being of our countries soldiers and veterans. MVO DOES NOT pay a salary to any of its officers, members or volunteers, therefore all monies received as donations to MVO, go 100% to developing the hunting and fishing experiences had by our service members. They are used to buy stands, wildlife feed, and equipment that helps the service members navigate the property.
  3. Military Veterans Outdoors (MVO) started as an idea to "give back" to those who have served and sacrificed for this country for centuries. Starting on Facebook, the response that was received was much larger than anyone could have expected. 
Military Veterans Outdoors


We offer our vets over 700 acres of hunting, trapping and fishing land in Pennsylvania.

What Members Say About MVO

Jerry Edwards US Navy Veteran

"I havent hunted in twenty five years and they got me back there and now I'm hunting again"

Joseph C. Sherman USN Retired

"The property out there is just beautiful. The views I see out here are exactly why I came back to my home state. Now I have a place to enjoy"