Central Pa. Outdoor & Sports Show

A workday is credited for each day a member volunteers.  We will be selling gun tickets at this event.

MVO Meeting

Parkside Community Center 120 West Park Avenue, Dubois, Pa

Work Party

MVO Grounds

Work parties are tenative till confirmed at the monthly meeting.  Members should meet at the conex at 10AM.

Chico Outdoors Show

Westmoreland County Fairgrounds 123 Blue Ribbon lane, Greensburg, United States

Workday credit is available for volunteering to work this show.  Gun tickets available for sale at this event.

Trout Stocking

Dubois Airport 377 Aviation Way, Reynoldsville, PA, United States

Meet at the Dubois Airport Snack Bar at 7:30AM for breakfast before departing for stocking.

Chainsaw Carvers Rendezvous

Ridgway Mills Campground 260 West Main Street, Ridgway, PA, United States

Workday credit is be given for volunteering to support this event.  Gun raffle tickets will be availalbe for sale at this event.

Blacksmith Gathering

Reynlow Park Sportsman Dam Road, Reynoldsville, United States